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EP 39 – Greg Stewart
Speaker, Motivator, Supporter and Champion

By August 7, 2021October 16th, 2022No Comments

The Power of Finding Oneself and Ownership

00:00 Introduction
00:28 Greg’s Bio
1:55 Greg’s Background
4:52 “Difference between You and I”
5:27 Volleyball and Basketball
9:14 Personal Empowerment Training
11:38 Leading up to Tokyo
12:21 Shot Put
13:38 What is it take to be a Paralympian?
16:35 Greatness
17:49 “The Feeling when you knew you won”
20:24 “The Medal will never define Me”
23:00 Game Plan
25:10 Post Olympics
29:15 Vulnerability
29:45 Compassion
30:27 Get Support
33:16 ” If I have to love you, I have to love myself first”
34:37 Showing up
39:51 The Problem of Long-term Goals
42:28 Success Habits
45:30 Looking into the Future
47:25 Outro

Paralympic Champion and Personal Empowerment Coach. Greg has worked, played, and indulged in the field of mindfulness for 7 years and has also been a para athlete for 20. Fun Times.

Our mental health is a wild and crazy rollercoaster, or shit show, depending on how you look at it. So, it is important to look at it daily and understand what is going on. As a personal empowerment coach, I work with clients to allow them to see things in a different light. Give them the opportunity to experience something in a different warey. Give them the tools and guidance to find, feel and become happier and find the love they are in search of. As an athlete, I use these tools to help me move forward everyday, reflecting and moving through the trauma, failure, injury I put on myself through.

Now, I’m passing it on to you, the athlete. I am motivated to support, love and bring light to the struggling athlete. To help them see their true identity, their true self, and help them see themselves in their own light. We are all in this together.
