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Founder, Intent Financials and Author, Pricing Strategies for Small Business

By December 9, 2019August 21st, 2021No Comments

Andrew Gregson is our guest on this edition of the podcast. Andrew literally wrote the book on pricing: the best-selling “Pricing Strategies for Small Business” released in 2008. This fall, he released his second book – “The Dark Art of Pricing” – as he continues his quest to help entrepreneurs grow their profits through effective pricing strategies. Join Corey and Andrew for an insightful conversation that any business owner will find worthwhile.

Podcast Notes



  1. Why a new book? The first one has done so well.
    1. First book needed an update; it’s gritter and more about application of the theory
  2. The importance of pricing and the risk of following the crowd.
  3. Three-level pricing strategies
  4. Why customers leave
  5. What are businesses – especially ones that don’t last – doing wrong?
  6. Andrew’s motivation
  7. Pricing for profit and integration – alignment strategies for business; change management
  8. Success habits
    1. Experiment to find what works; learn from mistakes
    2. Roll with the punches
    3. Don’t waste your time
    4. Leave the mindless stuff for “stupid” days
  9. Takeaways for people:
    1. There is more than one way to price
    2. Legacy: multiply knowledge for as many people as possible
  10. Commoditization vs Value
    1. Get the value on the table first
    2. “Why not steal from the big boys?”
  11. Value “first” vs Value “added”
  12. Integrity & Authenticity in pricing
    1. We’re all better at sniffing out pricing games
    2. Remove value to drop price
    3. Communicating value
  13. The Tale of the Irrigation Pipes. (Yes, irrigation pipes.)
  14. Reflecting on his 100th birthday.
    1. Thought he’d make it to 97 and done away with by a jealous husband.